Chat with us, powered by LiveChat When most people think of loss, they immediately think about a physical loss of some kind. The loss of a loved one through death is most common. But it could also be loss of a friendship, a wallet, a car, etc. These are tangible losses, and people vary in their timetable for coping with these and related types of losses. There are other losses that are less tangible and more emotional in nature but just as real and painful to manage. - Very-Good Essays

When most people think of loss, they immediately think about a physical loss of some kind. The loss of a loved one through death is most common. But it could also be loss of a friendship, a wallet, a car, etc. These are tangible losses, and people vary in their timetable for coping with these and related types of losses. There are other losses that are less tangible and more emotional in nature but just as real and painful to manage.

2.4 Assignment. Exploring Loss, the Core of All Problems


Getting Started


In Chapter 6 of the textbook, the authors state that “loss is the core of all problems.” At first glance, that might seem too simplistic. But let’s think through it more carefully.


When most people think of loss, they immediately think about a physical loss of some kind. The loss of a loved one through death is most common. But it could also be loss of a friendship, a wallet, a car, etc. These are tangible losses, and people vary in their timetable for coping with these and related types of losses.


There are other losses that are less tangible and more emotional in nature but just as real and painful to manage. For example, a person who is feeling depressed may feel the loss of joy in their life. A person prone to angry bouts may experience the loss of peace and contentment. Someone whose mind is always racing may experience the loss of focus.


Grief is the emotion most commonly associated with loss, especially when it involves the loss of a loved one. Grief is a normal response and shouldn’t automatically be seen as pathological unless accompanied by other behavioral issues.


Here are some additional losses that should be added to your list of considerations:


· Job loss


· Loss of health


· Miscarriage


· Loss of a home


· A loved one’s serious illness


· A relationship breakup


· Loss of financial stability


· Death of a pet


· Loss of a dream


· Loss of safety after a trauma


The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief response is likely to be. But even subtle losses can cause grief. Everyone goes through loss and grief at some point in life, but each person experiences and deals with grief and loss differently.


This assignment asks you to explore loss in your own life. This self-exploration is designed to help you make emotional contact with those experiences of loss so you are better able to generate empathy for the problems others struggle with related to mental health issues. Starting in the next workshop, you will be reading about common but complicated problems that counselors routinely work on with their clients. It is hoped that by first examining your own losses your compassion for others in their losses will be enhanced.


Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:


· Assess personal loss and how that can generate empathy for others.


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· Textbook:  Modern Psychopathologies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal


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Background Information


The questions posed in this assignment are personal in nature and ask you to look back into your past and reflect on parts of your life that may be painful. You are encouraged to be honest and explore past or current losses in some detail. But use your discretion about how much detail you reveal. You can be honest but general in your responses if the situations are difficult to discuss.


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1. Read Chapter 6, “The ‘Problems:’ An Introduction,” in your textbook.


2. In a short paper, respond to the following:


a. Identify and describe one significant loss you’ve experienced that has changed you in a meaningful way.


b. How did this loss affect your relationship with God and your faith journey?


c. How can your own personal loss be used in a positive way?


3. Your response should be at least three substantive paragraphs, and you should elaborate fully in your responses.


4. While this is more of a reflection assignment, you might use outside sources. If so, be sure to cite them in  APA Style  format in the text of your paper and in a reference page at the end.





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