CLINICAL evaluation AT THE MENTAL health hospital
Write a 1-page paper
Write a one page CLINICAL evaluation on what you saw AT THE MENTAL health HOSPITAL? (PRAIRIE ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL)
(Here is a note on what I saw) my Patient has schizophrenia, very verbally abusive, pissing, refused his meds, calling nursing staff all kinds of bad name and other mental health residents was doing the same things too as well.
Base on this just write page clinical evaluations.
Schizophrenia disorder. In addition, tell me why it is an interest to you.
· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
· APA format and in-text citation
· 1 References – must contain at least 1 professional references, published within the past 5 years