Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You are the HIM Director at Happy Hospital. You are a member of the Revenue Cycle and are charged with monitoring and evaluating key HIM RC processes that impact the stability and health of the facility’s revenue cycle. - Very-Good Essays

You are the HIM Director at Happy Hospital. You are a member of the Revenue Cycle and are charged with monitoring and evaluating key HIM RC processes that impact the stability and health of the facility’s revenue cycle.

Health & Medical – Dashboard Indicators Discussion

Question # 00652531

Subject: Health Care

Due on: 03/01/2024

Posted On: 03/01/2024 03:03 AM




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Sullivan University Health & Medical Question Dashboard Indicators Discussion


You are the HIM Director at Happy Hospital. You are a member of the Revenue Cycle and are charged with monitoring and evaluating key HIM RC processes that impact the stability and health of the facility’s revenue cycle.


Create a dashboard and use at least three indicators. Your final product should include a description and rationale for each indicator chosen for your dashboard, a mock-up of your dashboard (using fake data), and a plan of action for indicators when they do not meet the expected threshold. Your dashboard should be on one page with the plan of action  

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