Your family of origin (FOO) is who raised you, not necessarily who you are related to biologically. While genetics and heredity are important to know and trace for medical, mental health, and substance abuse reasons, our FOO is the underpinning of our morals and values. Instructions:
• Identify your family patterns and history – (e.g. medical, mental health, substance
abuse, education, family relationships – closeness or cut-offs, military service)
• Reflect on the morals and values that were instilled by your FOO and how that
shaped your current belief system.
• Two pages maximum, excluding the Title and Reference page.
• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.
• No scholarly resources needed.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
HSV303: Intro to Counseling
Unit 6 Assignment: Family History Reflection
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 6 Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement
Proficient Exemplary
0-23 Points 24-31 Points 32-35 Points
36-40 Points
Family Patter/History
Insufficient discussion of family patterns and history.
Discussion somewhat addresses family patterns and history.
Discussion mostly addresses family patterns and history.
Thorough discussion of family patterns and history.
Morals/Values Morals, values and belief system inadequately addressed.
Morals, values, and belief system addressed with minimal details.
Morals, values and belief system mostly addressed in detail.
Morals, values and belief system addressed in detail.
0 Points n/a n/a 10 Points
Paper Length Less than 2 pages
No more than 2 pages
Mechanics 0-5 Points 6-7 Points 8-9 Points 10 Points
Spelling; grammar; use of APA style
Serious grammar, spelling, or APA errors.
Many grammar, spelling, or APA errors.
Few grammar, spelling, or APA errors.
No grammar, spelling, or APA errors.