Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Design a writing lesson to be used in your thematic unit. Requirements: This assignment should fit into your overall unit plan. Include the following in your plan: Y - Very-Good Essays

Design a writing lesson to be used in your thematic unit. Requirements: This assignment should fit into your overall unit plan. Include the following in your plan: Y

  • Prompt: Design a writing lesson to be used in your thematic unit.
  • Requirements: This assignment should fit into your overall unit plan. Include the following in your plan:
    • You must identify the literacy and content area standards for your created assignment.
    • Describe 2 activities to incorporate writing into your unit plan.
      • One activity must include a writing planning sheet to help them organize their writing.
      • The second activity should follow the Before Writing, During Writing, and After Writing Model (see Chapter 7 in your textbook for a review of this model).
    • Include all handouts given to students to guide them through the assignment.
    • Include a writing rubric that you could use to assess your students’ writing submissions.

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