Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Open the Reactors Operating File (xls) Download Reactors Operating File (xls)in Tableau. Drag the Operating sheet into the data connection canvas. Run interpr - Very-Good Essays

Open the Reactors Operating File (xls) Download Reactors Operating File (xls)in Tableau.  Drag the Operating sheet into the data connection canvas. Run interpr

  1. Open the Reactors Operating File (xls) Download Reactors Operating File (xls)in Tableau. 
  2. Drag the Operating sheet into the data connection canvas.
  3. Run interpreter. 
  4. Review the Excel file that Tableau generated.
    • Question 1: Note the changes that the interpreter made. 
      1.  What data (if any) did the interpreter ignore?
      2. What data were interpreted as column headers?
      3. How many rows did the interpreter remove?
  5. Select “2018 capacity factor” through “2003 capacity factor” columns and pivot. 
    • Question 2: How many rows does your dataset contain after pivoting?  (Note that Tableau displays a maximum of 1000 rows.  You can increase the maximum number by clicking the box containing “1,000” and increasing the number). 
    • Question 3: Is this dataset ready for analysis?  Would you make any other changes? Explain.
  6. Split the “Pivot Field Names” column (right-click on the column and select split in the dropdown)
    • Question 4: Are all fields (or columns) named appropriately?  If not, what fields need to be renamed?
  7. Rename fields that need to be renamed.
    • Question 5: Are all data types correct?  For example, are date fields showing the date icon? Are there any fields that seem numeric but refer to categories?  List incorrect data types.
  8. Correct the data types (click on the icon and select the appropriate type from the drop-down menu)
    • Question 6: Which column contains a calculated field (hint: look for a = in front of the data type icon)?  Why is this column a calculated field?
  9. Click on Sheet 1.  Drag the capacity factor field (the field that was created in the pivot step) to rows.  Notice that the field is aggregated as a sum. Change the sum aggregation to average by right-clicking on the field selecting measure and then average.
  10. Drag the date field corresponding to the year that the capacity factor was measured to the column's shelf. Note the result. (Hint: examine the x-axis.)
  11. Drag reactor and containment type to color.
  12. Change the date field to continuous (right-click on the field and select continuous). Note how the graph changes. (Hint: examine the x-axis).
    • Question 7:  How did the graph change when you changed the date field to continuous?  Why is it better to use the continuous field?

You should 1) submit your Tableau workbook (.twbx) here, along with 2) a screenshot of your finished workbook, 

Operating Rx-


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US_Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors – Operating Reactors
Plant Name, Unit Number NRC Reactor Unit Web Page Docket Number License Number Location NRC Region Licensee Parent Company Utility Name Parent Company Website Parent Company Notes Reactor and Containment Type Nuclear Steam System Supplier and Design Type Architect-Engineer Constructor Construction Permit Issued Operating License Issued Commercial Operation Renewed Operating License Issued Operating License Expires Licensed MWt Note 2018 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2017 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2016 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2015 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2014 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2013 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2012 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2011 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2010 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2009 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2008 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2005 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2004 Capacity Factor (Percent) 2003 Capacity Factor (Percent) Years of Operation through 12/31/2019
Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 ANO 1 05000313 DPR-51 London, AR (6 MI WNW of Russellville,  AR) 4 Entergy Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PWR-DRYAMB B&W LLP BECH BECH 12/6/68 5/21/74 12/19/74 6/20/01 5/20/34 2568 76% 87% 72% 82% 98% 56% 102% 87% 90% 99% 83% 78% 92% 92% 45
Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 ANO 2 05000368 NPF-6 London, AR (6 MI WNW of Russellville,  AR) 4 Entergy Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PWR-DRYAMB CE BECH BECH 12/6/72 9/1/78 3/26/80 6/30/05 7/17/38 3026 82% 70% 94% 89% 85% 91% 93% 90% 97% 90% 91% 91% 99% 90% 41
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1 Beaver Valley 1 05000334 DPR-66 Shippingport, PA(17 MI W of McCandless,  PA) 1 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company PWR-DRYAMB WEST 3LP S&W S&W 6/26/70 7/2/76 10/1/76 11/5/09 1/29/36 2900 92% 99% 91% 90% 86% 86% 92% 101% 91% 92% 101% 101% 93% 83% 43
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 Beaver Valley 2 05000412 NPF-73 Shippingport, PA (17 MI W of McCandless,  PA) 1 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company PWR-DRYAMB WEST 3LP S&W S&W 5/3/74 8/14/87 11/17/87 11/5/09 5/27/47 2900 90% 90% 97% 90% 98% 97% 91% 102% 84% 87% 103% 93% 100% 91% 32
Braidwood Station, Unit 1 Braidwood 1 05000456 NPF-72 Braceville, IL (20 MI SSW of Joliet,  IL) 3 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB WEST 4LP S&L CWE 12/31/75 7/2/87 7/29/88 1/27/16 10/17/46 3645 93% 98% 90% 93% 103% 95% 91% 101% 89% 95% 101% 100% 95% 97% 32
Braidwood Station, Unit 2 Braidwood 2 05000457 NPF-77 Braceville, IL (20 MI SSW of Joliet,  IL) 3 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB WEST 4LP S&L CWE 12/31/75 5/20/88 10/17/88 1/27/16 12/18/47 3645 92% 88% 95% 91% 96% 98% 93% 93% 99% 93% 92% 94% 101% 96% 31
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Browns Ferry 1 05000259 DPR-33 Limestone County, AL (10 miles south of Athens, AL and 32 MI W of Huntsville,  AL) 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority BWR-MARK 1 GE 4 TVA TVA 5/10/67 12/20/73 8/1/74 5/4/06 12/20/33 3952 82% 97% 83% 94% 90% 94% 88% 91% 86% 94% 88% 46
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Browns Ferry 2 05000260 DPR-52 Limestone County, AL (10 miles south of Athens, AL and 32 MI W of Huntsville,  AL) 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority BWR-MARK 1 GE 4 TVA TVA 5/10/67 6/28/74 3/1/75 5/4/06 6/28/34 3952 97% 83% 94% 85% 98% 79% 99% 80% 91% 94% 98% 90% 100% 86% 45
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 Browns Ferry 3 05000296 DPR-68 Limestone County, AL (10 miles south of Athens, AL and 32 MI W of Huntsville,  AL) 2 Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority BWR-MARK 1 GE 4 TVA TVA 7/31/68 7/2/76 3/1/77 5/4/06 7/2/36 3952 76% 93% 80% 92% 88% 89% 83% 87% 81% 95% 81% 94% 89% 96% 43
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1 Brunswick 1 05000325 DPR-71 Southport, NC (20 MI S of Wilmington, NC) 2 Duke Energy Progress, LLC Duke Energy BWR-MARK 1 GE 4 UE&C BRRT 2/7/70 9/8/76 3/18/77 6/26/06 9/8/36 2923 85% 93% 83% 93% 89% 92% 77% 100% 83% 98% 85% 94% 86% 101% 43
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2 Brunswick 2 05000324 DPR-62 Southport, NC (20 MI S of Wilmington, NC) 2 Duke Energy Progress, LLC Duke Energy BWR-MARK 1 GE 4 UE&C BRRT 2/7/70 12/27/74 11/3/75 6/26/06 12/27/34 2923 93% 82% 92% 81% 98% 73% 98% 79% 99% 80% 95% 86% 98% 99% 45
Byron Station, Unit 1 Byron 1 05000454 NPF-37 Byron, Il (17 MI SW of Rockford,  IL) 3 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB WEST 4LP S&L CWE 12/31/75 2/14/85 9/16/85 11/19/15 10/31/44 3645 94% 89% 97% 88% 97% 96% 88% 88% 101% 94% 95% 94% 102% 94% 34
Byron Station, Unit 2 Byron 2 05000455 NPF-66 Byron, Il (17 MI SW of Rockford,  IL) 3 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB WEST 4LP S&L CWE 12/31/75 1/30/87 8/2/87 11/19/15 11/6/46 3645 100% 89% 86% 94% 94% 86% 94% 93% 96% 102% 96% 96% 96% 101% 32
Callaway Plant Callaway 05000483 NPF-30 Fulton, MO (25 MI ENE of Jefferson City,  MO) 4 Union Electric Co. AmerenUE Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing (STARS) group. They share resources for refueling outages and develop some shared licensing applications. PWR-DRYAMB WEST 4LP BECH DANI 4/16/76 10/18/84 12/19/84 3/6/15 10/18/44 3565 100% 77% 87% 96% 89% 77% 103% 90% 86% 98% 90% 77% 78% 97% 35
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 Calvert Cliffs 1 05000317 DPR-53 Lusby, MD (40 MI S of Annapolis,  MD) 1 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC – Owner Exelon Generation Company, LLC – Operator Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB CE BECH BECH 7/7/69 7/31/74 5/8/75 3/23/00 7/31/34 2737 92% 97% 89% 97% 91% 97% 81% 101% 90% 98% 93% 100% 92% 102% 45
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 Calvert Cliffs 2 05000318 DPR-69 Lusby, MD (40 MI S of Annapolis,  MD) 1 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC – Owner Exelon Generation Company, LLC – Operator Exelon Corporation, LLC PWR-DRYAMB CE BECH BECH 7/7/69 8/13/76 4/1/77 3/23/00 8/13/36 2737 100% 91% 95% 86% 100% 81% 101% 92% 97% 93% 99% 94% 100% 82% 43
Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Catawba 1 05000413 NPF-35 York, SC (18 MI S of Charlotte, NC) 2 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Duke Energy PWR-ICECND WEST 4LP DUKE DUKE 8/7/75 1/17/85 6/29/85 12/5/03 12/5/43 3469 93% 90% 97% 88% 86% 96% 89% 89% 100% 91% 89% 93% 98% 83% 34
Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Catawba 2 05000414 NPF-52 York, SC (18 MI S of Charlotte, NC) 2 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Duke Energy PWR-ICECND WEST 4LP DUKE DUKE 8/7/75 5/15/86 8/19/86 12/5/03 12/5/43 3469 91% 96% 88% 86% 100% 86% 92% 101% 92% 90% 103% 102% 89% 94% 33
Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Clinton 05000461 NPF-62 Clinton, IL (23 MI SSE of Bloomington, IL) 3 Exelon Generation Co., LLC Exelon Corporation, LLC