Chat with us, powered by LiveChat School Menu Analysis NAEYC Standard 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment. - Very-Good Essays

School Menu Analysis NAEYC Standard 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.

School Menu Analysis

NAEYC Standard 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics

This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.

The Student will:

  • examine specific methods that are used for planning nutritious meals and snacks for children through elementary school
  • analyze menu plans in childhood settings for nutrients and inclusion of cultural foods


Utilizing your textbook, school districts’ websites and websites below, complete the following assignment by the due date.

This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.  The designations below are to show you for which dietary need or preference you need to change your menu.


Menu Assignment See directions for specifics for each box below- don't forget the daily activity (scroll down)
Week of _______ School District (enter name of school district here) Upload menu to assignment OR paste online link to menu here
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Menu Adjustment for ___________________ (enter assigned adjustment here) In the last column, add what the child would eat for each meal (including what the child would get from school) if they had a dietary need or specification- you have been assigned a food preference or allergy; see the assignment for details.
30 Minutes of Exercise or Activity




School Menu Analysis

The Student will:

· examine specific methods that are used for planning nutritious meals and snacks for children through elementary school

· analyze menu plans in childhood settings for nutrients and inclusion of cultural foods

Utilizing your textbook, school districts’ websites and websites below, complete the following assignment by the due date.

· Download a menu from a school district.

· Choose one week from your menu that has 5 days of food

· Write, in the Excel file, what a child would need to eat for a snack and dinner each night if he or she ate breakfast and lunch at school every day that week to have a nutritionally balanced meal each day.

· List breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner.

· Be sure the entrée, side, beverage and dessert are listed for each meal (a snack and beverage only for “snack”)

· If the menu gives choices for breakfast or lunch, you decide what that choice is.

· Include what 30 minutes of activity or exercise would be included in this child’s routine each day to round out his or her day.

In the last column, add what the child would eat for each meal (including what the child would get from school) if they had a dietary need or specification

If you are in Apple Group- Adjust for a Vegan

If you are in the Banana Group- Adjust for a child in the Hindu religion

If you are in the Cranberry Group- Adjust for a child who is in the Seventh Day Adventist religion

If you are in the Grape Group- Adjust for a child milk/dairy allergy

If you are in the Kiwi group-Adjust for a child in the Islamic Religion following the halal diet

If you are in the Peach group- adjust for a child observing a kosher diet

If you are in the Strawberry group-Adjust for a child in the Buddhist religion

Use these resources, along with your textbook, to help you determine what is nutritionally balanced for elementary-aged children.

Upload the Excel document (includes 5 days of meals and activity and 1 day of an adjustment) and the school menu to the assignment by the due date.

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