Chat with us, powered by LiveChat According to Dr. I. M. Expert, cyber-bullying is detrimental to a student’s development because it makes students feel unsafe.€ Research and provide resources that are direc - Very-Good Essays

According to Dr. I. M. Expert, cyber-bullying is detrimental to a student’s development because it makes students feel unsafe.€  Research and provide resources that are direc


Using PowerPoint or Google Slides, you are to create a presentation appropriate for use with other educators or parents.  In this presentation you are to do the following:

  • Identify each student and the issue he or she is facing. You must use the four student profiles provided below.  Please DO NOT copy and paste the descriptions provided.  Rather, you should explain what you feel are the core issues each face after reading the description.
  • Identify the developmental impact of each issue.  How is the issue impacting the student in the classroom?  What does the teacher see that is interfering with learning?  You will need to include the research that is directly related to the issues and aligned to the developmental goals for the students. For example, you might include a statement such as  “According to Dr. I. M. Expert, cyber-bullying is detrimental to a student’s development because it makes students feel unsafe.” 
  • Research and provide resources that are directly related to the issue and are aligned to the developmental goals for students. These are resources a parent or teacher could use to learn more about the issue and how to address the impact of the issue.  These are resources that may be available in your community, such as food banks, language lessons for parents, etc. You may also choose to include resources that are available from federal, state, and local governments.  These are not the resources you use to understand the developmental impact of the issues, but should be helpful for the intended audience of your presentation. 
  • You will suggest supports teachers can use in the classroom to mitigate the impacts of the issue. 
  • Your presentation should be at least 11 slides long. You are expected to have an introductory slide, two slides per student,a closing slide, and a resource/bibliography page for the sources you use in the project.
  • The presentation must be your original work, and professional in its use of images, language, and formatting. Use of another’s work will earn an automatic zero and may be grounds for dismissal from the program. 


In order to make our expectations clear, we have created an additional student profile and use his information to complete two slides that meet the criteria of the project.  You will not use this student in your project.  His profile is for the purpose of the example only.  Read it and then look at the 700.2PBP Example Slides.  Note that your project will include all 4 students in the Knowledge of Students and Student Needs document and will be at least 11 slides long.

Yeung Yi profileDownload Yeung Yi profile

TNT 700.2PBP Example Slides


The full instructions and necessary information are found in the TNT 700.2P Knowledge of Students and Student Needs document. Your project will be scored using criteria outlined in the TNT 700.2P Rubric. The criteria include the identification and explanation of student issues and needs; the developmental impact of those needs; supports and resources available in the school and community, and the overall professionalism of the presentation. To successfully complete the project and avoid resubmission, study both the directions and the criteria for evaluation carefully. Download both documents to begin.

TNT 700.2P Knowledge of Students and Student Needs document Download TNT 700.2P Knowledge of Students and Student Needs document

TNT 700.2P Evaluation Criteria and Rubric


TNT 700.2P Knowledge of Students and Student Needs
TNT 700.2P Knowledge of Students and Student NeedsCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssues Identified and ExplainedStandard 4: Learning Environment

(A) Teachers create a mutually respectful, collaborative, and safe community of learners by using knowledge of students' development and backgrounds

10 ptsExemplary
Identifies each student and the issues he or she is facing students today, includes the complexity of each issue in the explanation.
8 ptsProficient
Identifies each student and the issues he or she is facing students, explanations capture some of the complexity of each issue
6 ptsDeveloping
Identifies each student and the issues he or she is facing but there is not an adequate explanation, no complexity.
4 ptsNovice
Not every student and issue are identified and/or there is no explanation provided10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmental ImpactTAC 228.35 (b) (2)
(C) ensuring high levels of learning, social-emotional development, and achievement for all students through knowledge of students, proven practices, and differentiated instruction

10 ptsExemplary
Clearly identifies the impact of each issue; how the issue affects the achievement of the student, behavior in the classroom, and any other developmental impact; recognizes the complexity of impact in multiple areas; References research correctly, makes connection explicit.
8 ptsProficient
Identifies the impact of each issue, and correctly identifies most cognitive, affective and physical impacts of the issue on the student. References most research correctly.
6 ptsDeveloping
Recognizes impacts of some issues on student learning or behavior. Research is mentioned but may not be referenced correctly.
4 ptsNovice
Recognizes impacts of 2 or fewer issues on student learning or behavior. Research is not mentioned or is incorrect.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupports and ResourcesStandard 6: Professional Practices and Responsibilities

(A) Teachers model ethical and respectful behavior and demonstrate integrity in all situations.

(ii)Teachers serve as advocates for their students, focusing attention on students' needs and concerns and maintaining thorough and accurate student records.

10 ptsExemplary
Resources are directly related to the issue and aligned to developmental goals for the student.
8 ptsProficient
Resources are related to the issue and somewhat aligned to developmental goals for the student.
6 ptsDeveloping
Resources are lacking or not all aligned to the issues or the developmental goals for the student.
4 ptsNovice
Resources are lacking, no alignment with issues or developmental goals.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSuggestionsStandard 6:
Practices and
(A) Teachers model
ethical and respectful
behavior and
demonstrate integrity
in all situations.
(ii)Teachers serve as
advocates for their
students, focusing
attention on students'
needs and concerns
and maintaining
thorough and accurate
student records.

10 ptsExemplary
The classroom supports suggested are explicitly matched to the needs of each student
8 ptsProficient
The classroom supports suggested are matched to the needs of each student.
6 ptsDeveloping
Some of the classroom supports suggested are matched to the needs the students.
4 ptsNovice
The classroom supports suggested are inadequate and not matched to the needs of each student.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentationTAC 228.35 (b) (2)
(J) effectively communicating with students, families, colleagues, and community members

10 ptsExemplary
Presentation is focused and organized, visually pleasing and clear. All images, language and formatting are appropriate for a professional setting. At least 11 slides are used, including an introduction and a works cited/bibliography slide (which can be included with the conclusion).
8 ptsProficient
Presentation is adequately focused and organized; visual attractiveness is adequate; No inappropriate images, language and formatting are used. At least 11 slides are used, including an introduction and a works cited/bibliography slide (which can be included with the conclusion).
6 ptsDeveloping
Presentation is loosely focused, lacking in organization and detail, dull to view Images, language, and formatting are not all appropriate for a professional setting. May use fewer than 11 slides or be missing works cited/bibliography.
4 ptsNovice
Presentation lacks focus, organization, and detail. Unattractive. Inappropriate images, language and/or formatting. Does not include at least 11 slides.10 pts
Total Points: 50


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