Week 5 Discussion Board on Quality Management 04/19bw POINTS: 100 Course Learning Objective/s: 2-4 American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: III, V, VI, VII Purpose: To assess the ability to incorporate best practices in quality management into the design of an evidence-based practice project. Initial post due by Wednesday, First responses due by Friday, and complete conversation by Sunday (minimum of 5 posts) Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Step one: This assignment requires each student to: 1. Analyze the relationship of quality management principles to patient care. 2. Discuss the barriers to translating research knowledge into innovative practice. The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.). *You will also need to include an APA reference list at the bottom of your post to the extent possible in Bb DB format (i.e. no indenting or double spacing).* *Hint: Many students find it easiest to write their post in a Word Program, completing a spell and grammar check BEFORE cut-and-pasting it into their Db.* Step two: Please respond to at least two other students by Friday and dialogue for a minimum of 5 posts. Week 5 Discussion Board on Quality Managemen
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