- How does what you read and explored impact your thinking about testing and its uses in education? Have you been able to differentiate between state and district testing and testing processes that are used in special education? After reading the chapters and seeing the videos, what is your position on standardized assessment and how it is used in the U.S.? What should we be lobbying our legislators to do?
- Read: Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Witmer
Chapters 15-18 - Read: Browder, Spooner, & Courtade Chapter 5
- Watch: Dunn, R. (2011). Assessment and Special Education.
- Watch: Teachings in Education. (2017). The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.
- Explore: TEDx Talks. (2015). Linda Darling Hammond: Testing, Testing.
- Explore: TED. (2013). Sir Ken Robinson: How to Escaping Education’s Death Valley.
- Explore: TEDx Talks.(2015). Ted Dintersmith: Preparing Kids for Life, Not Standardized Tests.
- Explore: Democracy Now! (2019). How standardized tests were Designed by Racists and Eugenicists.
- Explore: Council for Exceptional Children. (2020). Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19.
- Explore: Education Week Special Education site