Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select a movie or television show which portrays a group session. Provide a link for the video of the session (Hint: YouTube is a great place to search for video clips) and pr - Very-Good Essays

Select a movie or television show which portrays a group session. Provide a link for the video of the session (Hint: YouTube is a great place to search for video clips) and pr


  1. Select a movie or television show which portrays a group session.
  2. Provide a link for the video of the session (Hint: YouTube is a great place to search for video clips) and provide a summary of your observation.
  3. Provide one SMART objective for this group. (Hint: SMART objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-limited. An example of a SMART objective for a group session could be: "By November 1, 2022, the social work task group will develop a program evaluation plan for the DSW Program.")

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