Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using Microsoft Project, create a work breakdown structure and traceability matrix for your case study project. Your WBS and matrix should stem from your previous assignments (r - Very-Good Essays

Using Microsoft Project, create a work breakdown structure and traceability matrix for your case study project. Your WBS and matrix should stem from your previous assignments (r


Using Microsoft Project, create a work breakdown structure and traceability matrix for your case study project.

Your WBS and matrix should stem from your previous assignments (requirements and exclusions).

Pay attention to the following:

  • You must have      at least 4 tasks.
  • You must have      at least 20 activities.

Submit the .mpp file you create from Microsoft Project to Blackboard.

Refer to the attached document for assignment details and grading rubric.

Due: Sunday by 11:59pm

Total Points: 100

Overview: Use Microsoft (MS) Project to create a Work Breakdown Structure for your ongoing case study project. There is video link on creating a WBS in this unit’s readings and

resources to help you complete this assignment.

Instructions: Using Microsoft Project, create a work breakdown structure and traceability matrix for your case study project. Your WBS and matrix should stem from your previous assignments (requirements and exclusions) Pay attention to the following:

1. You must have at least 4 tasks 2. You must have at least 20 activities


 Use Microsoft Project to complete the assignment and submit the .mpp file to


 Save your files using the following filename convention:

o WBS – FirstName_LastName

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before

you write, and again after you write.

PMG501 – Scope Project Management

Unit 5 Assignment: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Evaluation Rubric Unit 5: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient


Improvement Proficient


0 – 17 Points 18 – 23 Points 24 – 29 Points 30 Points

WBS Activities are Complete

Includes incorrect number of activities and/or activities not specific and clear. Doesn’t stem from previous unit assignments. Little to no evidence of unit concepts applied.

Includes correct

number of activities

but not all activities

are specific and clear.

Stems from previous

unit assignments. Few

unit concepts applied

and evident.

Includes correct number of activities with some that are clear and specific. Stems from previous unit assignments. Some unit concepts applied and evident.

Includes correct number of activities and all are clear and specific. Stems from previous unit assignments. Several unit concepts applied and evident.

Tasks Decomposed

Missing correct number of tasks and/or explanations are unclear and confusing. Little to no evidence of unit concepts applied.

Includes the correct number of tasks but not all explanations are clear and concise. Few unit concepts applied and evident.

Includes the correct number of tasks with some clear and concise explanations. Some unit concepts applied and evident.

Includes correct number of tasks with all explanations clear and concise. Several unit concepts applied and evident.

Treaceability Matrix Complete

Missing matrix and/or is incomplete. Doesn’t stem from previous unit assignments. Little to no evidence of unit concepts applied.

Includes complete matrix with little to no correct inputs. Stems from previous unit assignments.

Includes complete matrix with some incorrect inputs. Stems from previous unit assignments.

Includes complete matrix with all correct inputs. Stems from previous unit assignments.

5 Points 0 Points 0 Points 10 Points

Clear and Professional WBS Format

MS Project or similar software used. Contains several errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation which detracts from content.

N/A N/A MS Project or similar software used. Free of errors

in grammar, spelling and punctuation.



OptiHealth Project

Symeshia Lias

Scope Project Management


Dr. Clark

March 31, 2024


EnhanceCRM Project

1. Executive Summary

EnhanceCRM is a project aimed at improving the relationship between customers and

management to increase customer satisfaction and improve the operation efficiency in the

organization. This project is aimed at using a budget of $50,000 and estimated to take 18 months.

The project will use the stakeholders who will look at project scopes and targeted objectives.

Upgrade of customer relationships with management, which is aimed to achieved by this project,

will help increase customer satisfaction, streamline organizational operations, and improve

organizational efficiency (Cricelli et al., 2020). The stakeholders will be required to grasp this

project's need and its role in the organization. This project aimed to increase the organization's

competitive advantage by maintaining its customers and winning many others. In the

achievement of the goals that are highlighted in this project, the organization will substantially

grow to a new height. Thus, it will automatically increase the organization's profit margin.

2. Business Requirements

There are specific driving forces for many projects; this project is no exception, as

several business requirements drive it. This project aims to increase customer satisfaction while

they access our services. This will enable the organization to increase the number of customers

and make them happier. The project also aims to improve management and analytical tools so

that all the organization's data can be well understood and thus used in making major

organizational decisions. The organization also aims to boost sales and increase marketing

efforts to capture customers' attention. Since there has been a problem with handling more work,

the organization seeks to modify the system to manage many tasks that may emerge in the future.


The goal of this project remains constant; thus, they are least likely to change. They function as

the light, showing us why we are doing the project, the direction it requires to follow, and the

purpose it requires to achieve.

3. Solution Requirements, Prioritization, and Verification

The process used in collecting the requirements was simple and fast as it involved

engaging the stakeholders, taking the feedback of the sales departments, monitoring the customer

service department, and getting feedback from the organization's market. The stakeholders

produced the key features to upgrade the CRM system. The prioritization of requirements was

grouped according to the impact they play, their functionality, and the features they possess. The

most essential requirements were given priority. Several verification methods will be used to

ensure all requirements are achieved, such as compliance audits, system integration checks, and

acceptance testing.

Solution Requirements

Requirement Type Priority Method of


Customer database Technical Must have Integration system


Modified data analytics on customer


Technical Must have User acceptance test

Integration of existing market

automated tools

Project Must have Compatibility System


Compliance of Customer data handling Regulatory Must have Compliance Audit


4. Exclusions

The project on EnhanceCRM will not use a fixed financial budget and will not formulate

new things contrary to the management of business customer relationships. The project will not

allow for the change of ideas and involvement of other stakeholders who were not present when

the project was initiated. Doing this will enable us to enhance customer service in the

organization amicably and fully. The act of not using a fixed budget will allow us to give room

for financial changes due to the uncertainty of the cost that we may require in purchasing the

project materials.

5. Key Project Features

5.1 Project Constraints

Many challenges arose in the project and led to the project not completing on time or

being unable to achieve its purpose. These constraints include regulation requirements, budget

limitations, and resource availability (Almulla, 2020). It is essential to follow the schedule to

achieve everything in the allocated time using the set budget.

5.2 Important Milestones

To keep the project on track, EnhanceCRM will use several checkpoints so that the

project can be finished in the allocated time within the range of the budget that has been set up.

At the end of the first six months, all the data required for this project must be gathered and

analyzed correctly. At the end of 12 months, the central part of the project should be evaluated to

ensure they are functioning according to the set target. By the end of 18 months, the CRM

system prototype should be developed and evaluated in a real-life area to see its functionality and

the areas that need to be modified or parts that must be added. By the end of 24 months, the new

system should be rolled out everywhere in the organization, and everyone should be taught how


it operates. There will be close monitoring of the new system, and a customer feedback platform

will be created to make it easier to monitor its operation and effectiveness. This will enable the

stakeholders to keep up to date on the system and draw their conclusions. This milestone will

ensure we stay organized and move on the right track using the allocated resources and budget.

6. Approvals

This document is approved by:

Sign ____________________

James Haven

Role: Chief Marketing Officer

Date: March 31, 2024

Sign ____________________

Jonson Linn: Project Manager

Role: CRM Systems head

Date: March 31, 2024

This project approval is now beyond reasonable doubt that the project can proceed to

planning and implementation while keeping in mind that both stakeholders' expectations will be

followed to the letter and that the objective will be achieved.



Almulla, (2020). The effectiveness of the project-based learning (PBL) approach as a way to

engage students in learning. Sage Open, 10(3), 2158244020938702.

Cricelli, L., Famulari, F. M., Greco, M., & Grimaldi, M. (2020). Searching for the one: Customer

relationship management software selection. Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision

Analysis, 27(3-4), 173-188.

Kumar, P., & Mokha, A. K. (2022). Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) and

customer loyalty: The mediating role of customer satisfaction in the banking

industry. International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), 18(1), 1-22.



Requirements Work Plan

Business Case and Project Proposal: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service.

1. Executive Summary In this project proposal, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in customer service is

discussed to improve service under the prevailing commerce rise and clients’ high expectations, which is amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Having experienced a revolutionary exponential growth of online transactions, business confronts the task of maximizing the satisfactions of customers with the cost’s optimization at the same time. The presentation indicates the vital part AI-powered chatbots should play in delivering prompt, personalized, and effective customer support that their current users need in the modern online marketplace.

The Requirements Work Plan will be made up of key points such as securing executive sponsorship, defining clear business objectives, and of course making a budget for both short and long-term A.I. integration (Kunz & Wirtz, 2023). The project is aimed at enhancing customer interactions, promoting efficiency, and extracting valuable data from AI-enabled analytics. Even though the AI can be a risky tool which includes misunderstanding by customers and their possible biases, the proposal demonstrates importance of AI to improve efficiency, decrease response times and, finally, develop clients’ satisfaction and loyalty. 2. Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Power Interest Executive Sponsor High High Customer Service High High IT Department High High Data Scientists/Developers High High Customer Service Agents High High Marketing Department Moderate High Legal and Compliance Team Moderate Moderate Customers High High Finance Department Moderate Moderate Human Resource Moderate Moderate

The table outlines the stakeholders involved in the project, categorizing them based on their power and interest levels.

1. Power: This column shows the stakeholders' power over the project. The people with the highest positions in the power hierarchy are usually the ones who have the final say on any decisions pertaining to a project or its outcomes. Moderately powered stakeholders

PMG501 – Scope Project

ManagementRequirements Work Plan Outline Template


have little direct impact on agenda setting, but they still have considerable power of supporting or challenging initiatives.

2. Interest: This column indicates the degree to which stakeholders are initiative-taking or reactive in relation to the proposed project. The high-interest stakeholders are those who have a prominent part in the project's achievement and results, as the matters may directly influence their functions, authorities or rather goals. Moderate-interest group might have an interest in some aspects of the project, but they are not as affected as the high-interest group.

Dividing stakeholders into these categories facilitates the project team's engagement and communication efforts as they now can focus on the critical groups. In general, high-ranking, high-interest stakeholders will probably expect a high degree of contact and involvement with managers to ensure their choices are coherent with overall project goals and objectives. On the other hand, those with less power or less interest should be informed less frequently and included less to avoid resistance or concern, but still being kept apprised. Knowing the power and interest variations of individual stakeholder groups necessitates project managers utilize communication techniques specifically designed for each group to deal with the expectations and get support throughout project's lifecycle.

3. Requirements Collection Methodology

Here, two tools which will give a holistic understanding of project’s demand and goals, respectively, will be applied. The main instruments considered are interviewing and surveying, since they produce qualitative and quantitative data, which is needed from a considerable number of stakeholders. Tool: Interviews

 Stakeholders Addressed: Interviewees will represent various levels and roles within the organization and its various departments, for example, executive sponsors, managers, technical staff, frontline employees, experts on legal/compliance issues, marketing professionals, finance staff, HR personnel and clients.

 Collector: The project manager or the business analyst will head this interview settings. They are expected to formulate the interview questions, book, and hold interviews, and analyze the answers of the private sector workers to summarize what a major problem is, general concern and the workers' needs.

Tool: Surveys  Stakeholders Addressed: The main target of the surveys will be the audience that is

broader, including the customer service agents, IT staff, marketing professionals, and most probable customers. The tool is intended to harmonize qualitative data on the stakeholder preferences, perception and priorities concerning the AI application in customer care.

 Collector: The project manager, or other survey specialist, will create the survey questionnaire and distribute it to the targeted stakeholders for feedback. Ultimately, responses will be collected. They look at surveys to describe patterns, preferences, consensus or and dissent.



 Interviews: Interviews offer such an opportunity for a careful analysis of a stakeholder`s viewpoint, which eventually provide a detailed image of their needs, worries, and expectations. The project team will have the opportunity to listen to a various mix of stakeholders and thus will acquire useful information covering all facets of AI adoption for customer service.

 Surveys: Through surveys, the project team can structure the data collection process and get more quantitative data from a sizable audience that can be used to detect trends and user preferences among different stakeholders. Surveys offer anonymity, thus promoting candid feedback from participants who might not be as forthcoming in a face-to-face interview.

4. Collection Timetable The requirements collection process for the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in customer service will span over a period of four weeks. The schedule includes the following activities:

1. Preparation: Allocate 1 week for preparing interview guides, survey questionnaires, and scheduling stakeholder meetings.

2. 2. Interviews: To collect first-hand information, I will conduct interviews with the key stakeholders over a period of one week. One interview may take 30 minutes to 1 hour for the discussion, during which time it is also affected by availability or prospective participants.

3. 3. Survey Distribution: During week two, I will conduct a survey targeted at the stakeholders being sampled. Leave the surveys open to stakeholders for 1 week and collect their feedback by the end of the week.

4. 4. Data Analysis: I will spend one week on the evaluation of transcripts of interviews and survey results by finding numerous trends, needs and priorities.

5. 5. Synthesis and Documentation: I will dedicate the last week to the comprehensive synthesis of the collected data, documenting requirements and then generating a report which brings together the findings and recommendations.



Kunz, W. H., & Wirtz, J. (2023). AI in Customer Service: A Service Revolution in the Making. In Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service: The Next Frontier for Personalized Engagement (pp. 15-32). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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