Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The case study project you have been planning throughout the course is now underway. Predictably, the project is not completely following the project plan. In fact, two of the risks you i - Very-Good Essays

The case study project you have been planning throughout the course is now underway.  Predictably, the project is not completely following the project plan.  In fact, two of the risks you i


The case study project you have been planning throughout the course is now underway.  Predictably, the project is not completely following the project plan.  In fact, two of the risks you identified in your business case assignment in course unit 1 appear to be occurring.  

Step 1: Choose any 2 of the 5 risks you identified in your business case assignment.  Both risks must have sufficient impact on the project that the project’s scope – a task, deliverable, requirement, or other output – must be modified.

In other words, do not choose risks that don’t require any changes to the project, and do not choose risks that can be addressed simply by changing the project’s schedule or budget.  Your risk response must require a change to some portion of the project’s scope.

Step 2: Based on lecture materials in the course thus far and the template provided on the next page, submit change control requests to modify project scope in order to respond to the risks you identified in step 1. 

Submit 2 change control request forms, one for each risk you selected in Step 1.  As with earlier deliverables, use a business writing style where applicable.  Also, as discussed in this week’s lecture materials, change requests should be easy to read quickly

Use the “Change Control Request Form” template to complete the assignment and submit to Blackboard.

Refer to the attached document for assignment details and grading rubric.



Title of Your Essay

Your First and Last Name

Post University

Course Code: Name of Course (e.g. ENG 122: English Composition II)

Instructor Name

Due Date

Title of Your Essay

Start the first paragraph here, which should introduce your reader to the subject you are writing about. Do not label this paragraph as “Introduction.” Instead, simply write your paper’s title as a level 1 heading: bold, centered, with title case.

Description of Vision, Mission and Values

Spend time planning your paper. A good practice is to brainstorm and research ideas and decide how to express the main idea or thesis and what to include. Once you have a rough idea of what you want to discuss or argue, create an outline or to help you organize your paper and the evidence you plan to present in each body paragraph.

Purpose of Vision, Mission and Values in Strategizing

Remember to use and cite scholarly sources to support your work Additional Tips: Always begin with a topic sentence in your own words.

Leadership Techniques in Planning

Remember to use and cite scholarly sources to support your work Additional Tips: In addition to being well-written, each paragraph should include an in-text citation to all information and evidence that is summarized, paraphrased, or quoted from outside sources.

Impact of Gender, Culture and Diversity on Execution of Plans

Remember to use and cite scholarly sources to support your work Additional Tips: In addition to being well-written, each paragraph should include an in-text citation to all information and evidence that is summarized, paraphrased, or quoted from outside sources.


You only need to label the conclusion with a heading as shown here if you have a lengthy paper and have included headings for each section. Otherwise, you can simply begin your conclusion as your final paragraph in your paper. The conclusion should do more than summarize what you’ve stated already—it should also include the importance or significance of the topic under discussion.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp.

Author, A. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Author, A. (Year). Title of work. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of anthology. Publisher. https://non-database-URL (Original work published date)

Director, A. (Director). (Year). Title of film [Description, e.g. Motion picture]. Production Company. https://non-database-URL

**For help formatting your reference page, please see our Formatting Your References List page. Be sure that each source you’ve used has both an in-text citation and a references list citation.




BUS508 –MGT II and Leadership

Vision, Mission and Values

Due: 11:59 pm on Sunday of Unit 6

Points: 100


Select an organization of your choice. Describe the vision, mission, and values of the

organization. Reflect on the purpose of the mission and values in terms of

determining the strategy of the organization. What are some techniques that leaders

can use to effectively execute organizational plans? How do gender, culture, and

diversity impact the execution of organizational plans?

Write a 2-3 page paper addressing each of the questions.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages (excluding cover and reference pages) and must be

formatted in APA 7th edition. You should used a minimum of two scholarly sources to

support your work.



Grading Rubric

CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement 17 – 20 points 13 – 16 points 0 – 12 points

Main point The clear, concise and well-defined main point is creatively used to establish the foundation for the topic to be analyzed.

The main point is stated effectively and expressed sufficiently to set the stage for the topic related to be analyzed.

The main point is unclear, unfocused, and/or does not sufficiently relate to the topic.

25 – 30 points 19 – 24 points 0 – 18 points

Analysis and

References There is a demonstrated logical progression of thought that is easy to follow, coherent, contains evidentiary support and forms a complete framework for content development. Includes at least 2 references.

There is a demonstrated progression of thought that is generally logical, but may lack integration, flow, and some evidentiary support. Includes at least 2 references.

Topic progression is disjointed, lacks congruence and/or does not follow logically from the topic statement. Less than 2 references provided.

13 – 15 points 10 – 12 points 0 – 9 points

Conclusion Relevant, meaningful details are used to defend the position (support the conclusion/recommend ations); integrates convincing supporting evidence.

Meaningful details presented but these may require further clarity and/or depth to support the position (conclusion/ recommendations).

Does not take a position (conclusion/ recommendation) on the major issue; irrelevant and/or vague details are used.

13-15 points 10-12 points 0-9 points

APA and Writing

Maintains a scholarly tone. No writing or APA errors detected.

Attempts to maintain a scholarly tone, Three or less writing/APA errors detected.

Very little attempt at a scholarly tone. Four or more writing/APA errors detected.

17-20 points 13-16 points 0-12 points



Use of Terminology and Concepts

Terminology and concepts from the specific perspective are used effectively and appropriately to support detailed presentation of the issue.

Analysis of specific perspective relative to this issue is supported satisfactorily by the use of terminology and concepts from the literature.

Analysis of specific perspective suffers from failure to accurately and/or appropriately apply terminology and concepts from the literature.


Project Cost Management.mpp

Co WBS Number Task name / Title Assigned to Planned start Planned end Deadline

1 IT Training 4/1/2024 4/19/2024 1.1 Security awareness training 4/1/2024 4/5/2024 1.2 User awareness training 4/8/2024 4/12/2024 1.3 Troubleshooting 4/15/2024 4/15/2024 1.4 Installation 4/16/2024 4/19/2024 2 Research existing software 4/23/2024 ### 2.1 Study previous system 4/23/2024 10/31/2034 2.2 Record errors 5/1/2024 5/6/2024 3 Develop communication 5/7/2024 5/12/2033 3.1 Design communication channels 5/7/2024 5/12/2033 3.2 Design escalation matrix 5/13/2024 5/17/2024 4 Create user survey 5/20/2024 5/26/2032 4.1 Draft survey questions 5/20/2024 5/26/2032 4.2 Select population 5/27/2024 5/31/2024 4.3 Roll out the survey 6/3/2024 6/7/2024 5 Administer survey 6/10/2024 6/16/2032 5.1 Distribute survey questions 6/10/2024 6/16/2032 5.2 Assess survey answers 6/27/2024 6/28/2024 5.3 Document survey outcomes 7/1/2024 7/1/2024 6 Conduct interviews 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 6.1 Select a group of people in a population 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 7 Develop a fair system 7/12/2024 7/17/2024 7.1 Design and code the system 7/12/2024 7/17/2024 8 Review project 7/18/2025 7/23/2029 8.1 Assess system functionality 7/18/2025 7/23/2029 8.2 Write documentation 7/24/2025 7/30/2025 8.3 Test the system 8/1/2025 8/5/2025

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Project Cost Management.mpp 4/7/2024

Progress Duration Estimated Time log Status Priority Task descrip Predecessor Budget

0 120 0 0 0 0 32.02 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 40 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 8 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 32 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 21968 0 0 0 0 21968 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 32 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 18824 0 0 0 0 18824 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 40 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 16744 0 0 3 0 0 16744 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 40 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 40 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 16744 0 0 4 0 0 16744 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 16 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 8 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 24.02 0 0 0 0 24.02 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 8376 0 0 0 0 8376 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 40 0 0 Open Medium 0 0 24 0 0 Open Medium 0

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Actual cos MSP UID MSP ID Created Creator Type Project Level

0 1 1 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 2 2 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 5 5 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 6 6 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 7 7 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 17 9 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 10 12 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 12 14 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainproject Project C 1 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2 0 4/7/2024 Bonnie Mainatask Project Co 2

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Requirements Work Plan

Business Case and Project Proposal: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service.

1. Executive Summary In this project proposal, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in customer service is

discussed to improve service under the prevailing commerce rise and clients’ high expectations, which is amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Having experienced a revolutionary exponential growth of online transactions, business confronts the task of maximizing the satisfactions of customers with the cost’s optimization at the same time. The presentation indicates the vital part AI-powered chatbots should play in delivering prompt, personalized, and effective customer support that their current users need in the modern online marketplace.

The Requirements Work Plan will be made up of key points such as securing executive sponsorship, defining clear business objectives, and of course making a budget for both short and long-term A.I. integration (Kunz & Wirtz, 2023). The project is aimed at enhancing customer interactions, promoting efficiency, and extracting valuable data from AI-enabled analytics. Even though the AI can be a risky tool which includes misunderstanding by customers and their possible biases, the proposal demonstrates importance of AI to improve efficiency, decrease response times and, finally, develop clients’ satisfaction and loyalty. 2. Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Power Interest Executive Sponsor High High Customer Service High High IT Department High High Data Scientists/Developers High High Customer Service Agents High High Marketing Department Moderate High Legal and Compliance Team Moderate Moderate Customers High High Finance Department Moderate Moderate Human Resource Moderate Moderate

The table outlines the stakeholders involved in the project, categorizing them based on their power and interest levels.

1. Power: This column shows the stakeholders' power over the project. The people with the highest positions in the power hierarchy are usually the ones who have the final say on any decisions pertaining to a project or its outcomes. Moderately powered stakeholders

PMG501 – Scope Project

ManagementRequirements Work Plan Outline Template


have little direct impact on agenda setting, but they still have considerable power of supporting or challenging initiatives.

2. Interest: This column indicates the degree to which stakeholders are initiative-taking or reactive in relation to the proposed project. The high-interest stakeholders are those who have a prominent part in the project's achievement and results, as the matters may directly influence their functions, authorities or rather goals. Moderate-interest group might have an interest in some aspects of the project, but they are not as affected as the high-interest group.

Dividing stakeholders into these categories facilitates the project team's engagement and communication efforts as they now can focus on the critical groups. In general, high-ranking, high-interest stakeholders will probably expect a high degree of contact and involvement with managers to ensure their choices are coherent with overall project goals and objectives. On the other hand, those with less power or less interest should be informed less frequently and included less to avoid resistance or concern, but still being kept apprised. Knowing the power and interest variations of individual stakeholder groups necessitates project managers utilize communication techniques specifically designed for each group to deal with the expectations and get support throughout project's lifecycle.

3. Requirements Collection Methodology

Here, two tools which will give a holistic understanding of project’s demand and goals, respectively, will be applied. The main instruments considered are interviewing and surveying, since they produce qualitative and quantitative data, which is needed from a considerable number of stakeholders. Tool: Interviews

 Stakeholders Addressed: Interviewees will represent various levels and roles within the organization and its various departments, for example, executive sponsors, managers, technical staff, frontline employees, experts on legal/compliance issues, marketing professionals, finance staff, HR personnel and clients.

 Collector: The project manager or the business analyst will head this interview settings. They are expected to formulate the interview questions, book, and hold interviews, and analyze the answers of the private sector workers to summarize what a major problem is, general concern and the workers' needs.

Tool: Surveys  Stakeholders Addressed: The main target of the surveys will be the audience that is

broader, including the customer service agents, IT staff, marketing professionals, and most probable customers. The tool is intended to harmonize qualitative data on the stakeholder preferences, perception and priorities concerning the AI application in customer care.

 Collector: The project manager, or other survey specialist, will create the survey questionnaire and distribute it to the targeted stakeholders for feedback. Ultimately, responses will be collected. They look at surveys to describe patterns, preferences, consensus or and dissent.



 Interviews: Interviews offer such an opportunity for a careful analysis of a stakeholder`s viewpoint, which eventually provide a detailed image of their needs, worries, and expectations. The project team will have the opportunity to listen to a various mix of stakeholders and thus will acquire useful information covering all facets of AI adoption for customer service.

 Surveys: Through surveys, the project team can structure the data collection process and get more quantitative data from a sizable audience that can be used to detect trends and user preferences among different stakeholders. Surveys offer anonymity, thus promoting candid feedback from participants who might not be as forthcoming in a face-to-face interview.

4. Collection Timetable The requirements collection process for the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in customer service will span over a period of four weeks. The schedule includes the following activities:

1. Preparation: Allocate 1 week for preparing interview guides, survey questionnaires, and scheduling stakeholder meetings.

2. 2. Interviews: To collect first-hand information, I will conduct interviews with the key stakeholders over a period of one week. One interview may take 30 minutes to 1 hour for the discussion, during which time it is also affected by availability or prospective participants.

3. 3. Survey Distribution: During week two, I will conduct a survey targeted at the stakeholders being sampled. Leave the surveys open to stakeholders for 1 week and collect their feedback by the end of the week.

4. 4. Data Analysis: I will spend one week on the evaluation of transcripts of interviews and survey results by finding numerous trends, needs and priorities.

5. 5. Synthesis and Documentation: I will dedicate the last week to the comprehensive synthesis of the collected data, documenting requirements and then generating a report which brings together the findings and recommendations.



Kunz, W. H., & Wirtz, J. (2023). AI in Customer Service: A Service Revolution in the Making. In Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service: The Next Frontier for Personalized Engagement (pp. 15-32). Cham: Springer International Publishing.



Business vs. Functional Requirements

Symeshia Lias

Scope Project Management


Dr. Clark

March 24, 2024


Business Requirements

Improved Emergency Response Time

The emergency treatment time needs to be enhanced, which is one significant business

requirement underscored in the Rosa County case study. The latest case when a child was stolen

emphasized the need for a consolidating system that includes the rapid and accurate dispatch of

emergency response services. The problems, such as missed delivery due to the incorrect address

on parcels and communication failure, resulted in harsh public criticisms from the media and

consequently affected public safety. Therefore, the newly implemented system emphasizes

shortening response times to prevent risks and resume confidence invested in the county's public

safety services.

Enhanced Call Center Efficiency

The call center, which was already operating before the virus announced to the public,

was facing the challenge of increased call numbers and a weak system, which led to

inefficiencies and frustrations among personnel, which implies focusing on performance

improvement at call center operations to address higher volumes of calls efficiently addressed.

The process is advanced further by offering the best training for personnel, improving

procedures, and providing technical support for crisis management to run effectively (De

Andrade & Tumelero, 2022). Conversation of the call center that operates smoothly and would

lead to timely response, accurate handling of emergency calls, and providing safety for both

callers and responders is a must-have.

Enhanced System Functionality


The builders should pay attention to avoid causing an enormous disturbance to the

system's functioning during the updating process. While on the system upgrade, a business

requirement is that any Labor disruption to call taker and dispatcher activities should be halted.

Physical reconstruction of the call center, which may result in permanent/temporary setbacks in

sustaining the smooth running of the business, is a significant challenge. This means that it is

important for the transition to be managed thoroughly to minimize any downtime or

discontinuity in emergency services. This revenue source demonstrates the necessity of careful

looking ahead, coordination, and interaction among involved institutions to minimize service


Functional Requirements

Address Accuracy and Integration

The functional requirement describes implementing a system that captures and

simultaneously integrates accurate information related to addresses for the immediate emergency

response. It is those things: methods for checking addresses, using geospatial (GIS), and real-

time database updates to call upon emergency dispatchers accurately (Wei et al., 2022). The

induction of the dispatch system will be successful if the address data, the fire department, and

many other departments can be integrated seamlessly. It will play a significant role in preventing

incidents such as over the New Year weekend.

Call Processing and Router's Effectiveness

Functional needs constitute road-assignment optimization and call handling, which

eventually increases efficiency. They include capabilities such as preemption of emergency

signals, automatic call sorting, continuous status updates to emergency workers, and real-time


communication across various levels of emergency professions (Xu et al., 2023). By integrating

these features, the new system will reduce the duration of emergencies and heighten the

efficiency of the entire action.

User Training and Support

Regarding functional demand, continuing additional training for call center employees in

managing all sorts of queries is also important. This will involve training on the operational

workings of the systems, personal protective equipment, emergency procedures, and

communication protocols and setting up technical support mechanisms for troubleshooting.

Good training and backup are fundamental in helping the staff answer correctly, handle

emergencies well, and react to risks.

Comparison and Contrast

A business requirement normally involves a set of overarching goals and objectives,

including improving response times, increasing efficiency, and minimizing disruptions. On the

other hand, functional requirements are more specified in terms of specific features and

capabilities needed to achieve the overarching goals and objectives. Semantically, business needs

and priorities determined by business requirements are transformed into function requirements

specifications that drive system development and implementation. Business requirements enlist

the achievement of strategic objectives and engagement with stakeholders' expectations, while

functional requirements focus on technical aspects of system design and functionality

operationally. Even though the business requirements steer the system as a whole and increase

the efficiency strong reasons, the functional requirements give the detailed specifications and

capabilities needed for those objectives.



De Andrade, I. M., & Tumelero, C. (2022). Increasing customer service efficiency through

artificial intelligence chatbot. Revista de Gestão, 29(3), 238-251.

Wei, Z., Liu, F., Masouros, C., Su, N., & Petropulu, A. P. (2022). Toward multi-functional 6G

wireless networks: Integrating sensing, communication, and security. IEEE

Communications Magazine, 60(4), 65-71.

Xu, S., Yang, L., & Liu, G. (2023). An Enhanced Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Global

Router for VLSI Design. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2023.


Business Case and Project Proposal: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service.

1. Business Background

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a part of pop culture and the recent

developments in AI mean that businesses require managers who understand the

significant need of AI in business. In the last few years, customer service has been

intense with the growth of e-commerce where most customers shop online prompting

the need for more services, and an influx in budgets. One key question is how

businesses do more with less in customer service because the need to engage

customers means businesses require more customer service employees. Thus, there is

a need for cost-effective services, which has resulted in to use of service robots, AI, and

intelligence automation (Kunz, W. H., & Wirtz, J. (2023).

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, online businesses and transactions increased by

tenfold and customers’ expectations have grown because they expect businesses to

respond to their orders in time, give regular updates on their shipments, and answer

their queries quickly. The only solution to this increasing need is AI-powered chatbots in

customer service which not only provide customers with answers to common questions

but can also greet them, serve them with knowledge base articles, and guide them

through important business processes or even send technicians to the field at request.

Take for instance a customer who bought a defective dishwasher and wants to return

PMG501 – Scope Project

ManagementBusiness Case and Project Proposal Outline Template

the product and sends a message to an agent who takes over thirty minutes to respond.

The customer will be unsatisfied and may not come again but with AI customer

services, they will get personalized responses to their queries in seconds.

2. Business Requirements

1. We require the capability to have executive sponsorship to allow us to infuse

Artificial intelligence within the existing business processes for business

optimization and support.

2. We require to have defined business objectives and outcomes on what is

expected from AI use.

3. We require a budget that will support short-term and long-term AI objectives in

the company by exploring the initi

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