The final paper will include an assessment of a business entity or organization with which you are familiar or have great interest. You will create a cited APA formatted 10-page (minimum) double-spaced paper (not counting Title Page, TOC, Reference Listing) that includes the following:
· Detailed analysis on how the organization (cited) applies the lessons learned in the course, including the following concepts (select those that are applicable to your selected organization). Please select 7 to 9 concepts:
o Fundamentals of leadership, including leadership styles and traits
o Strategic thinking
o Emotional intelligence
o Communication and leadership
o Organizational culture and climate
o High performing teams
o Managing organizational change
o Problem management and decision making
o Consensus building and negotiation
o Ethics and professional codes of conduct
o Managing conflict
o Strategic planning
o Power and Politics
· Citing and referencing applicable course materials, required readings, and textbooks, including:
o Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional intelligence 2.0. San Diego: TalentSmart.
o Lewis, James P. (2003). Project leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill.
o Lussier, R.N & Achua, C.F. (2017). Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development (6th Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
o Project Management Institute (2021). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide, 7th Ed.) Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute, Inc.
All information about the selected organization that is not common knowledge must be cited. Other academic citations are encouraged but will not be accepted in lieu of the source course material.
· Master’s level academic writing style, including appropriate grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, internal organization including appropriate paragraphs, citations, and references in accordance with the APA Publication Manual.
· Overall organization of document to include an introduction, body and conclusion.
· Papers are required to be submitted via Turnitin for final grading. Papers with a Turnitin Originality score of greater than 20% will be reviewed for potential plagiarism. Any papers that have evidence of plagiarism will receive a grade of “0” in accordance with the Course Syllabus and HU policy. Papers will AI scores higher than 50% will also be reviewed and evaluated for AI construction. You may check your paper’s score and have the opportunity to resubmit it PRIOR TO THE FINAL DUE DATE.
Please note that the requirement is for the paper to be submitted in APA format, with the following sections:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Subsection for each of the selected units
Reference List
The paper is worth 20% of your grade and you will be graded according to the following rubric.
DONALD TRUMP is the leader