Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The purpose of this project is to learn how to give a formal presentation and strengthen your presentation and team communication skills. PLEASE READ Carefully and see pdf for more detai - Very-Good Essays

The purpose of this project is to learn how to give a formal presentation and strengthen your presentation and team communication skills.   PLEASE READ Carefully and see pdf for more detai

The purpose of this project is to learn how to give a formal presentation and strengthen your presentation and team communication skills.  

PLEASE READ Carefully and see pdf for more details

You will deliver an “informative” presentation on a current business issue in 5-6 minutes. Informative presentations aim to educate, inform or explain something to the audience, without persuading or selling them anything.  Informative presentations are often analytical or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they simply “report the facts” with no analysis at all, but still need to communicate the information in a clear and concise format.  

You may use a topic from your business report or any topic of interest if it impacts business.



1. Topic

Choose a topic that impacts business, research it, and report your findings in your speech. For example, you could analyze the trends and opportunities in your market and how to adapt to them.

Ideas: 12 Unique Business Topics

2. Purpose

Your general purpose, of course, is to inform. But you need to formulate a specific purpose that express a point you want to make about your topic—what you hope to accomplish in your speech (**objectives).

3. Audience

Think about what your audience might already know about your topic and what they may not know, and perhaps any attitudes toward or concerns about it. Consider how this may affect the way that you will present your information.

4. Supporting Materials

Using the information gathered in your search for information, determine what is most worthwhile, interesting, and important to include in your speech. Time limits will require that you be selective about what you use.  Use visual aids!

5. Organization

1. Write a central idea statement that expresses the message, or point, that you hope to get across to your listeners in the speech.

2. Determine the two to three main points that will be needed to support your central idea.

3. Finally, prepare a complete sentence outline of the body of the speech.

6. Introduction

Develop an opening that will

1. get the attention and interest of your listeners,

2. express your central idea or message,

3. lead into the body of your speech.

7. Conclusion

The conclusion should review and/or summarize the important ideas in your speech and bring it to a smooth close. What are the “key” takeaways because the content/ideas they leave will make your memorable

**How to write objectives

To write effective objectives for your informative presentation, you need to follow a simple formula: verb + topic + outcome.

· The verb describes what you want your audience to do or learn, such as understand, explain, compare, or demonstrate.

· The topic is the main subject or theme of your presentation, such as a concept, a process, a problem, or a solution.

· The outcome is the benefit or value that your audience will gain from your presentation, such as a new skill, a new perspective, or a new solution.

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