Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Watch the above video and The High School Football Coach Who Never PuntsLinks to an external site.. Then read the article The Kevin Kelley Way: The Unorthodox High School Coach Brings His - Very-Good Essays

Watch the above video and The High School Football Coach Who Never PuntsLinks to an external site.. Then read the article The Kevin Kelley Way: The Unorthodox High School Coach Brings His

 Watch the above video and “The High School Football Coach Who Never PuntsLinks to an external site.”. Then read the article “The Kevin Kelley Way: The Unorthodox High School Coach Brings His Style to College Football"Links to an external site.. After watching the videos and reading the article, what are the reasons behind Coach Kelley’s success? How can analytics help athletic teams gain a competitive advantage over their competitors? 

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