Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Part I – CSR Communication Checklist: Indicate the presence (Yes) or absence (No) of each CSR element in your organization’s communication strategy. Include 1 to 2 obs - Very-Good Essays

Part I – CSR Communication Checklist: Indicate the presence (Yes) or absence (No) of each CSR element in your organization’s communication strategy. Include 1 to 2 obs


  1. Part I – CSR Communication Checklist: Indicate the presence (Yes) or absence (No) of each CSR element in your organization's communication strategy. Include 1 to 2 observations about each element (even if you don't find one, why do you think that is?).
    • For each element you find, provide the URL where this information is located.
    • Elements to look for include:
      • Code of Ethics
      • Social Media Policy
      • CSR Pages
      • Annual Report
      • CSR Ratings
      • Others (optional)
  2. Part II – CSR Activities and Campaigns:
    • National (US) and International (non-US) CSR Activities:
      • Briefly describe the CSR activities your organization participates in, both nationally and internationally. 
    • List of CSR Campaigns or Actions:
      • Discuss specific CSR campaigns or actions your organization is involved in.
  3. Part III – CSR Topics, Partnerships, and Stakeholder Activities:
    • CSR Topics:
      • Identify and write about the CSR topics your organization deals with.
    • CSR Partnerships:
      • List at least two CSR partnerships that your organization has established.
    • Stakeholder CSR Activities:
      • Describe the CSR activities available for stakeholders to participate in.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Completeness of the fact sheet.
  • Accuracy and relevance of the information provided.
  • Clarity and conciseness of written responses.

    Use the assignment instructions to format your responses, just like for the Organization Fact Sheet. 

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