Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Share TWO (2) topics that you are interested in basing your semester-long project upon in this discussion. As you think about your topic ideas, you want to be sure it meets the following cr - Very-Good Essays

Share TWO (2) topics that you are interested in basing your semester-long project upon in this discussion. As you think about your topic ideas, you want to be sure it meets the following cr

Share TWO (2) topics that you are interested in basing your semester-long project upon in this discussion. As you think about your topic ideas, you want to be sure it meets the following criteria:

  1. You have a broad area that you want to start with (i.e. race relations; technology; the healthcare system, etc.).
  2. It is narrowed — you can narrow on the basis of gender (i.e. men or women); race (i.e. African American); age (i.e. Millennials); geographic location (i.e. NYC); etc.
  3. There is a substantial amount of secondary research that exists on your topic — do a Google Scholar search and use the databases to see if you can find some good articles.
  4. It is something that you could research further today — meaning you could formulate a survey or interview people about this topic now. As a note…you WON'T be thinking about this until later on in the semester, so there is no need to write a survey or do interviews now.
  5. It connects to the course theme of The Power of Storytelling: Narratives of Past, Present, and Future. See the syllabus for full theme statement. 

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