Wal-Mart is one of the most dynamic companies in our economy. However, the company is being challenged in the market by new competitors. For the Wal-Mart Corporation, go online and find the annual report for the most recent year available.
- Based on the obtained annual report, complete the following table:
RatioFormulaResultsOperating Profit Margin After Taxes Gross Profit Margin Average Collection Period Total Asset Turnover Fixed Asset Turnover Inventory Turnover Debt to Total Assets Times Interest Earned
- Based the information in your table and in the annual report, evaluate the status of Wal-Mart on each of these ratios.
- What would you conclude based on the information above in terms of the overall condition of Wal-Mart? What recommendations would you make?
Submission Details:
- Submit your assignment in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Cite any references in APA style.
- Show all your calculations.
- Name your document MBA5009_W2_LastName_FirstInitial
- By the due date assigned, submit the completed assignment to the Submissions Area.